Launch of the Alysson Paoline Sustainable Agro Museum (Masap)

The launch of the Museum of Sustainable Agro Alysson Paolinelli (Masap) by the president of CIITTA-International Center for Agricultural Technology Transfer, engineer Cléber Guarany, brought together in the auditorium of the IEATM this Monday, 11, a large number of authorities, entrepreneurs and universities and entities such as Embraba and Epamig.

The table was composed by the hostess Alexandra Rôso, the mayor Elisa Araújo, the president of CIITTA, Cléber Guarany, the researcher at Embrapa, Geovana Maciel, the director of Epamig, Fernando Oliveira Franco, the author of the project, architect Gustavo Penna and the museologist Maria Ignez Zucco Mantovani.

The essential presence at the event of the great partner of the initiative, businessman Marco Túlio Paolinelli, stands out.

In addition to Garany, who is also responsible for FGV Europe’s international projects, the other members of CIITTA’s board of directors, Vice President Altamir Rôso Filho,
the financial administrative director Wesley Ângelo Bicalho Rocha, the institutional director Sinfronio Silva Júnior and the technical director Giuliano Senatore.

Among those accompanying the launch were also state deputy Heli Andrade, former mayor Paulo Piau, UFTM rector Luís Fernando dos Santos Anjo, Uniube pro-rector, Professor André Fernandes, Uniube commercial director José Renato Gomes, the representatives of the IFTM, Fazu and Emater, and also the president of Aciu, Anderson Cadima, the president of Sicoob Uberaba, Alceu Vieira Neto, the municipal secretaries Isabella Soares (Seplan), Agnaldo Silva (Agribusiness), Miria Resende (Regional Affairs), Rui Ramos (Economic Development), Cássio Facure (Cultural Foundation), Thiago Riccioppo (Zebu Museum), Carlos Vitor (Chico Xavier Memorial), paleoartist Rodolfo Nogueira, Evacira Coraspe (Our People Museum), journalists Liana Marzinotto and Isabel Minaré.

The event featured the journalist Rose Dutra as master of ceremonies.

Photos: André Santos
Text: journalist Rose Dutra

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