
Transfer of agricultural technology to developing countries on the African continent and Central and South America. The work is carried out by highly qualified Brazilian agricultural extension professionals in relation to the demands of small-scale family farmers.

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The focus of technology transfer is the transfer of knowledge to small and medium scale farmers as well as extension technicians in regions at risk and in situations of poverty.


Empowerment of young people and women through practical training in modern production routines.

Know How
the know-how for environmental projects in the planet's tropical belt

The Tropical Belt is home to the main and most important ecosystems to combat climate change, sequestering more carbon from the atmosphere than any other.

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Transfer of agricultural technology to developing countries on the African continent and Central and South America. The work is carried out by highly qualified Brazilian agricultural extension professionals in relation to the demands of small-scale family farmers.

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The focus of technology transfer is the transfer of knowledge to small and medium scale farmers as well as extension technicians in regions at risk and in situations of poverty.


Empowerment of young people and women through practical training in modern production routines.

the know-how for environmental projects in the planet's tropical belt

The Tropical Belt is home to the main and most important ecosystems to combat climate change, sequestering more carbon from the atmosphere than any other.

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Who we are

The International Center for Innovation and Transfer of Agricultural, Livestock and Environmental Technology (CIITTAA) is a non-profit organization that works to strengthen sustainable agriculture in developing countries, in harmony with environmental preservation and restoration, through initiatives of technology transfer and training and capacity building activities focused on small and medium-sized farmers and extension workers.

Técnicos em campo.
Field technicians.
Técnicos em campo.
Field technicians.
Entrega de certificado.
Certificate delivery.
Preparação do solo.
Land preparation.

CIITTAA has a professional management with a broad scope of action in training and training in all sustainable agricultural value chains, from basic production to production improvement. passing through business management tools, socio-environmental sustainability, among others.

CIITTAA’s activities seek inclusive vocational training and the empowerment of young people and women in the training of technical skills and access to environmentally friendly technologies for agricultural and environmental projects.

CIITTAA carries out technical and cultural exchanges between nations through South-South cooperation with developing countries on the African continent, Latin America and Central America with a focus on the development of sustainable agriculture (regenerative agriculture) and environmental preservation and recovery projects .

Engenheiros agrônomos no apoio do manejo agrícola.
Agronomists in support of agricultural management.
Mecanização agrícola - utilização de plantadeira.
Agricultural mechanization - use of planter machine.
Cultivo de hortaliças.
Cultivation of vegetables.

What we do

Capacity building and technological training for agribusiness and environmental preservation and recovery activities.

CIITTAA is an organization that acts as an education center abroad, leading education and technical training programs to train rural and environmental technicians and managers.

We work with a focus on improving the productivity and quality of agricultural products and the environment in the tropical region of the planet, using the best global practices adapted to the needs of different regions of Africa and South and Central America.

Management of agricultural and environmental sustainability.

Disseminate the best agricultural practices with economic, environmental and social sustainability.

Implement environmental projects through environmental payment mechanisms.

The training is oriented to the norms and procedures that must be observed by rural producers and the population in general to guarantee the production of food in sustainable production systems, such as regenerative agriculture.

Food production and environmental preservation will ensure economically viable activities that benefit the environment and promote social inclusion.

Increase agricultural productivity in the scope of South-South cooperation

CIITTAA works to develop agricultural production in the southern hemisphere, especially in those countries located in the tropical belt, while promoting and disseminating new agricultural production practices carried out on a sustainable basis, encouraging the proper use of land and natural resources

Training and capacity building in practice

CIITTAA aims to train technicians and extension workers to disseminate the best agricultural production and processing practices in their countries of origin, as well as conservation practices and the preservation and recovery of ecosystems through a stimulating learning process in the absorption of new knowledge and skills. .

All training is structured in order to improve knowledge through practical classes given on CIITTAA’s own campuses.

Technical cooperation

CIITTAA maintains technical cooperation with the main research and technological diffusion entities to ensure the dissemination of best practices and access to new technologies.

Our Mission

Become a world reference institution in the transfer of agricultural technology and the environment, contributing significantly to increase food security with environmental sustainability and promote the preservation and recovery of ecosystems in the countries of south-south cooperation.

Our Vision

Become an institution of world reference in the transfer of agricultural technology, contributing significantly to increase food security in the countries of south-south cooperation.


Sustainable agricultural production through regenerative agriculture systems, and food processing with quality and meeting market standards.


Develop and implement projects for the preservation and recovery of ecosystems and water management.


Development of technological innovations aimed at small producers.

Nigeria Showcase

In partnership with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation’s division in Europe, FGV Europe, CIITTAA is structuring the training and qualification of technicians and extension workers for the “Green Imperative” project, the largest agricultural project in Africa, which is being developed in Nigeria.

Brazil - Nigeria Cooperation
Project on Agriculture
The Green Imperative

The “Green Imperative Project” was born from a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 between the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and the government of Nigeria. It involves agricultural technology cooperation between Brazil and Nigeria for the development of the largest agricultural project in the African continent. The project prioritizes the development of sustainable, low-carbon agriculture, and aims to develop local production of basic foods for the local population.

A high priority project for the Nigerian government, it aims to increase food and reduce rural exodus, contributing to social peace.

The Brazilian technological package will be adopted to improve the productivity and quality of food produced by small scale farmers in Nigeria, covering the supply of agricultural machinery, equipment and services.

CIITTAA will play a key role in the Green Imperative’s training and capacity building activities, focusing on small and medium rural producers and national extension workers.

The dissemination of the best agro-industrial production practices to be developed by CIITTAA, will aim at inclusive professional training, mainly for young people and women.


Meet socio-environmental needs, through methodologies that form a link between society and the environment, promoting transformative actions that integrate the impacted communities and the main stakeholders.

Provide the creation of values, information and knowledge, aimed at social and environmental sustainability in projects to strengthen agriculture in developing countries

We conceive in our communication actions and strategies, together with institutional partners, representatives of civil society and other actors that integrate Social Communication and Environmental Education. Our activities are carried out through:

  • Development of impact assessment methodologies;
  • Strategic communication planning;
  • Support for territorial management and governance;
  • Strengthening local development.

CIITTAA Associates

CIITTAA has important partners that make its activities viable from a technical-operational point of view.
These are companies and institutions that believe in our work and that actively participate in bringing technology and education to those who need it most

CIITTAA Supporters

Likewise, CIITTAA has supportive companies and institutions that provide the capital and resources necessary for technology transfer to be sustained in a lasting manner. Due to the help of these supporters, CIITTAA can exist and bring education to the regions where it operates.

Be a CIITTAA Sponsor


CIITTAA looks for sponsors who are willing to develop technology transfer, education and technical training projects to train rural agents in developing countries.

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Schedule CIITTAA

Follow CIITTAA events and actions.

14/09/2019 - Inauguration of CIITTAA

Official Inauguration of CIITTAA.

25/01/2020 - New Website launched

New Website with lots of information and news.

CIITTAA in the media

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Inauguração do CIITTA em visita do Ministro da Agricultura da Nigéria.
Inauguration of CIITTA in the visit of the Minister of Agriculture of Nigeria.

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Be part of the CIITTAA team and have the experience of working with education and technology without borders, serving in countries of Central and South America, as well as countries in Africa and other emerging locations.

Recruitment via LinkedIn

The application for vacancies, selection process and resumes is done 100% via LinkedIn.


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Fazenda Agronelli
Br-050 Km 151 + 6,6 km
Zona Rural de Uberaba / MG
CEP: 38064-750